Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Coming close to the end.

Crazy thought, for all of us.  Feels like it was just last week that we stepped off the plane into this new land.  But we're coming down to the final week and time really has been flying by!  I can speak for us all when I say, we're trying to soak up every last minute while being here. 
   Anyway, I left you off where we had just gotten back from a kids camp. That was last week.  We spent the week doing all different kinds of ministry. Ronnie had the idea of reaching out to the other backpackers and travelers which is great because people who often spend a year traveling are looking for something, some type of adventure maybe, but we know that they are really just searching for Christ.  So we spent a day doing that, We spent a day at the Deaf school hanging with kids and doing programing there.  We also spent a day doing another after school program, and visiting the Hospital again.  These were places we had gone before, so it was nice to see some faces that were familiar to us.
   That really brings us to this weekend.  We went on an unexpected journey.  We were told it was going to be an hour drive and a hour hike through the jungle.  Leeches and snakes and all!  I think the first thought going through some of the team members minds was; 'ah, busy work!' because it seemed like we were just trying to fill the time.  Come to the end of the weekend, I would say it was the best 3 days we've had and we probably did the most ministry during this time too.
  We stayed at a school, a single lady pretty much ran the whole school by herself, she also adopted 6 kids.  This lady is a absolute inspiration to us all, she truly has given up herself to God and is clearly trying to be more like Jesus.  We had a kids part on saturday morning for 50 of the school kids, of whom were so very excited for us just to be there.  Then we did house visits of local christians in the area.  I personally found this to be amazing, just being able to bless the Christians in the area.  Not many words even needed to be said as the 7 of us would sit in their small houses, but we all were blessed by knowing each other and knowing we had the same father.  Sunday rolled around and the lady who runs the school also runs a church.  The girls ran the service as us guys hiked another 2 hours to another church where we all shared.  The girls continued on after church and hiked about 2 hours to another fellowship.  Then the team met up at a house fellowship in the evening hours where we shared once again.
   Honestly, this was an amazing weekend.  Hard at times, but easy to see the fruit that is produced by just praying for others.  Now, we're headed down the mountain, doing a week of ministry there, probably more kids ministry and hopefully visiting a bible college.  Then on a train to Kolkata where we'll be for a day, then back to Brisbane!


Monday, July 15, 2013

As the outreach continues

      I've come to see that this page is often viewed, and so I shall once again update it and hope that some are inspired by the words on the screen.  All Glory to God.
     This past week we did another kids camp, but it was quite different then the last one.  It is organized by one of the guys at YWAM: Darjeeling, he's an older gentleman named Alok, but everyone calls him Uncle.  Its the norm here to call your elders Uncle, which was weird when kids started to call me that, sure made me feel old. 
   Anyway, he has done these camps a few times and basically goes into villages and does 3 days of day camp putting on program but more then anything else, trying to show the Love of God to the next generation.  We basically did it all of the programing and background work.  Most of the time, Michael was in the kitchen cooking and cleaning, with Ronnie.  While Caitlin, Julia, and myself (Jeremy) would be running the kids programing which included games, music, and giving a lesson.  Our fearless leaders, that is, Marley and Iris were all over the place supporting us in everything we needed.  Iris was constantly with kids and gave the lesson on Sunday, while Marley was the go to girl for anything that needed to be done.  The system worked really well and showed just how strong our team has become.
    Most days, we were running by the seat of our pants and making up programing.  We couldn't plan much because Uncle would constantly change it and want to do something else, but then have a random hour where we needed to do something fun with the kids. This is where creativity had to come in while we taught classic songs such as Pharaoh Pharaoh, Let Your Light, Papaya Song, among many others.  It was awesome, but it sure kept us on our toes, not knowing what we would need to pull our from our hat of tricks at any moment.
    It was quite the little hike to get down to this little village, and about 50 kids showed up, but the whole community knew that we were there.  Our biggest hope is that in everything we say and did, we proclaimed the name of Jesus Christ, as it was a Hindu/Buddhist village for sure. 
    Today is a day off, which has been relaxing and amazing to be able to sit back and just take in the last few weeks.  Keep us in your prayers!

Iris's birthday! 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

"There is no real adventure in all of the world."

    Its something that I personally have been learning, and was something that was in one of our books.  You see, so many times we are looking for adventure, looking for something more.  Often a sense of adventure is satisfied by traveling the world and seeing new things, but the truth of it is, "There is no real adventure in all of the world."  The real adventure is following Jesus Christ in everything we say and do and in every situation no matter what it is, even when it feels like we aren't doing much at all, adventure can be found by looking for and seeking after God.
    That brings me to last week, starting with July 2nd. We headed out to Mirik, Darjeeling, India.  Its kind of close to where we are, just down the hill in fact, but it took about 3 hours to get there.  The Jeep ride was hard, and all of us got a little car sick.  Constant bumps in the road and winding down the switch backs while being stuffed in a jeep.  It wasn't easy but soon enough we got to our destination.  A church that was putting on a 'Youth Camp' for the week.  We met the director who told us that we are suppose to just help in anything we can, he isn't going to assign jobs for us, but to just be around and help in everything.  It really seemed like that was going to be a lot of fun and easy as we get the freedom to hangout with the students all day.  Come to find out, the camp was different then we were expecting.
     We got to our hotel and feel asleep pretty quickly knowing that we had to be up and out by 5:45 the next morning.  Ready for a full day of camp!  People started rolling in about 9am when worship started, we spread ourselves out among the locals.  Worship lasted about an hour, then lecture.  They taught on Fear of The Lord, a topic that we had just learned in our DTS.  Then Lunch break, then more worship, another teaching for an hour, then afternoon break at 3:30.   By that time we were feeling pretty helpless.  We hadn't actually done much other then just being there.  In the evening we got to share testimonies and ate dinner with some of the students.  This is how the week went.  It was really cool to be there and encourage the church.  More then anything else I think that's what we did, the leaders constantly asked for our opinion and wanted feedback on how things were going.  We tried to help in anyway we saw possible, and more then anything else, we tried to proclaim the name of Christ in everything we did.
   The end of the week came quickly and we really enjoyed the camp, and the times we got to hangout with the students.  Come to find out that there were 320 people there at the peak, we know God was moving in that place and only hope that the camp gets even bigger next year.

You can check out our personal blogs if you want to know more, I'll post links later this evening.  I'll also hope to post some pictures.

Prayer:  More then anything, health.  We all seem to be sick in some way.

May the peace of Christ be with you.

Jeremy's Blog: http://jeremyrobinson33.blogspot.com/
Ronnie's Blog: http://letmystorybehis.wordpress.com/2013/06/15/life-is-an-adventure/
Michael's Blog: http://norrismichael70.blogspot.com/

Road trip! 

Tea field. 

Ronnie giving a Devo.